This is Mr. Tenpenny. I met him and Aubrey on this back porch the day I first stopped to look at my house. Mostly, I visited with Mr. Tenpenny on his front porch. Aubrey would sit him out there in good weather and I'd go over and gab with him while Aubrey scraped around in the garden or cleaned up inside. I can't remember what we'd talk about. With Alzheimer's, you don't really talk about anything, you just sort of talk. Then I'd rush off to get back to whatever job was up that day in building. What's your rush?, he'd ask me. Rush? I have to finish that building!
Mr. Tenpenny grew up in that house — his father built it. At the end of that year, last December, Mr. Tenpenny passed away. I really don't know what I would have done without the two of them next door.
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