You can't make a building without considering the site. Hence, these bits about the grounds.
I had been waiting to plant a hedge until all of the trucks were through. So the trucks were gone and my shrub stash was ready to take possession of their new home. I wanted an evergreen foundation that would grow quickly and thrive and act as a natural fencing element. Elaeagnus is non-native and invasive but it's a good retreat for wildlife, produces berries for birds and fragrant blooms several times a year. Because I wanted a more wild, less cultivated look, and because I was planting in a straight line, I thought that by varying the plants I might creat more interest. I planted several elaeagnus, then a red-tipped photinia and then several wax-leaf privet (which have fragrant blooms at different times than the elaeagnus).
Anchored by leyland cyprus at far corner that will soon become a giant.

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