Not a pretty sight, eh? I admit it. I became obsessed with crabgrass. After all of the clover seed I spread (and I spread a lot of it) I could not, for the life of me , figure out how this crabgrass entered the scene. Later I learned, as I mentioned in yesterday's post, that the weed seed came in with the hay. Hey!
I like to let things run on the wild-ish side and a weed is only a plant that you'd rather not have in the place where it takes root but I battled this crabgrass like my Aunt Nancy used to battle her squirrels. What I learned is that crabgrass is an extremely intelligent plant and I am not kidding. It was as if it knew when I was going to try to dig it up and propagated itself as I approached. In any event, I was finally reminded by some biodynamic landscapers that the crabgrass is just a sign of the earth healing itself. So I let that obsession go and turned my attention to the beginnings of my perennial beds.

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