I thought about whether or not to post this part because it's really my private space but what the hell, you're all select and privileged readers and this is one of the most important parts of the studio. My fort.

I cannot tell you how much time I spend working on this day bed. I read, write and sketch here. Sometimes I even paint here. In fact, I am writing this to you as I sit here. I think that this year I am going to try to take more naps here.
If you've ever been to Thomas Edison's house and studio or workroom or whatever he called it in Ft. Meyers, Florida, you may remember that he had a bed set up next to his work space. I understand that he used it quite frequently and took a lot of naps.

Sometimes I call this the back room but it's really the dream room and you can see why.

Above is the alcove over the plumbing box where I eventually got around to building book shelves

And here we are turned back towards the front of the building. You can really see the hand-mixed pink of the back room walls that I'm so proud of and pleased with.
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